SAGE Mindset Podcast

How To Overcome False Beliefs About Yourself WITHOUT Therapy



"The problem with false beliefs is we have to make them come true in order to be true to ourselves."-Dr. Maxwell MaltzThe content in this episode is pulled from Dr. Maxwell Maltz's book Psycho-Cybernetics.Here's a simple definition of "False Beliefs".These are typically "I am" statements that are untrue when you really evaluate their meaning. For example, I am bad at math. I am ugly. I don’t have a mechanical type of mind. I am not smart. I am unworthy of success. I don’t deserve success. If you heard someone say any of these statements, you would very likely push back on them and suggest they rethink the statement. Yet, we consistently have statements like these that we say and are committed to in our lives.Here’s how this could show up in your life. Does something always happen to you when success is within reach? Do you secretly feel unworthy of success or like you don’t deserve it?Perhaps, you are uncomfortable around other people? Do you feel inferior to some people? Maybe you believe other people are ho