I Despise My 9 to 5's Podcast

Episode 15: Is there such a thing as a Career 'Calling'.......?



Apparently, those individuals fortunate enough to find their Career 'Calling' tend to feel an angelic harmony between their souls and their work. They are passionate....they are motivated and energized to work longer and harder to make a contribution. This group also tends to be more fulfilled with their '9 to 5' situations.    Well, hell, where can I apply to find this heavenly, yet elusive, reward called a Career 'Calling'?!?!    Tune in to this episode as Mimi and I share our thoughts on the arduous and extremely mysterious task of identifying one's God-given Career 'Calling'.    ***We appreciate each and everyone's listening support of our podcast. If your love and appreciation for our efforts ever compel you to want to support our podcast even further, you can make financial donations via the below means: Paypal: donate to our podcast by using jaey.marq@yahoo.com Zelle: donate to our podcast by using jaey.marq@yahoo.com Cash App: donate to our podcast by using $JaeyMarq Many thanks for your all of your s