I Despise My 9 to 5's Podcast

Episode 16: Let (Career) Freedom Ring!



Ponder a couple of questions, if you will..... What does career freedom mean to you? If career freedom does, in fact, hold a special place in your heart and soul, can you pinpoint the moment when it became an object of desire? Finally, what fuels your desire to obtain it? Career freedom can, and does, mean differently to different people. You'll also find that it maintains varying levels of importance within people; therefore, freedom of one's career is not held in high regard for some as it is held in high regard for others. Join Mimi and I on this episode as we chat about the various facets of career freedom. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ***We appreciate each and everyone's listening support of our podcast. If your love and appreciation for our efforts ever compel you to want to support our podcast even further, you can make financial donations via the below means: Paypal: donate to our podcast by using jaey.marq@yahoo.com Zelle: donate