We're Talking

016 - Mandy Pipher | Let's Talk



I finally take on the issue that was the reason I started this podcast. Bell and their "Let's Talk" campaign.  I'm not a fan and it seems I am not alone. We even have some ideas on what Bell could do to make the campaign better and more inclusive.  I am interviewing Mandy Pipher who wrote an OP/ED for the Toronto Star  https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2019/01/30/how-bells-lets-talk-campaign-harms-people-it-aims-to-help.html Mandy is a Toronto-based writer exploring intersections of language, culture, and politics. Her pieces have appeared in The Puritan, the Toronto Star, and peer-reviewed journals. She co-runs the literature-humour site ClickityLit with Paul Young, and, occasionally, blogs on Medium. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/weretalking/support