In Bed With Dr Sue

So Tight Fitness for Women



Ladies what if I told you that you could completely take control of your reproductive system?  So what right? My reproductive system is on auto-pilot so who cares? But, what if I told you that by doing some simple exercises every day you could prevent or cure: cervical cancer fibroids depression uterine prolapse and the dreaded MENSTRUAL CRAMPS! If your'e a woman you don't want to miss this show!!  For more info on the show including a YouTube video showing one of the techniques HEAD TO THE SHOW PAGE HERE And DON'T FORGET... TALK TO THE DOC CALL-IN your questions LIVE or EMAIL YOUR QUESTIONS before the show HERE! **Please Note** If you see a different date in the url of this program, this is a BTR glitch. This show is definitely Tues August 6, 2013 at 10 PM ET. Although all our shows say that they are 2 hrs in length we try to keep it as close to 1 hr as possible so get those calls in EARLY!