Journey To $100 Million

The Importance of Communicating Workplace Transitions



When Erik transitioned from being a DOD contractor to starting his own company, he realized the need to let everyone know this transition was taking place. In episode 245 of Journey to $100 Million, Erik talks about the importance of letting your connections know about the work you are doing. When Erik made the switch to commercial work, he created a printed announcement and sent it to all 235 contacts he had an address for. This was more meaningful than an email, and let everyone know what he was doing so they could hire or refer him. You cannot just tell people what you are doing, and expect it to sink in. You have to tell everyone you know, on a frequent basis, what you are doing. Make it crystal clear what you do, put it in writing, and get it in front of everyone you know. It’ll lead to business and referrals! — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Digital, he is also the host of the Journey to $100 Million Flash Briefing and daily pod