D'lethal Weapons - Dial Up Podcast

27 - Spider-Man's Rogues Gallery



We effing love rogues galleries... Especially Spider-Man's.  He has easily the best group of adversaries in Marvel Comics. From animal-people to elemental to crime bosses to... alien goo creatures, this rogues gallery has it all. Come along with us as we do a deep dive through 5 tiers of villainy.--Follow the Weapons on Twitter @Comic_Patrol for some extra tidbits of fun (we maybe promise it isn't dick pics)--   0:00 D'Lethal Weapons Intro  Meat and Potatoes - The flavour of the day and main topic of discussion for the given episode after general chit chat and an absolutely terrible introduction. (theme by audionautix.com)  Hero Draft - Our very own comic based fantasy league! With 32 character names plucked 2 by 2 from an actual, real-life hat (one by each co-host), we pit them against each other in battle, games, sports and contests each week in an elimination tournament format. (theme by Komiku) Hero Draft Season 1: Marvel Heroes, Round 3