Beroean Pickets Reviewer

“I Have Hope Toward God”



[From ws17/12 p. 8 – February 5-11] “The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.”​—1 Cor. 15:45 What a pity that after last week’s delightful review of the Bible resurrection accounts, this week’s study wastes no time in getting off on the wrong foot: IF YOU were asked, ‘What are the key teachings of your faith?’ what would you say? Surely you would stress that Jehovah is the Creator and Life-Giver. You would likely mention your belief in Jesus Christ, who died as a ransom. And you would happily add that an earthly paradise is ahead, where God’s people will live forever. But would you mention the resurrection as one of your most cherished beliefs? – par. 1 We might stress that Jehovah is the Creator and Life-Giver, but only mention Jesus as the one who died as a ransom?!  “Oh, yes, there was also this nice fellow named Jesus who died for us.  Isn’t that just peachy keen?  He did some other stuff too.  A really fine, all around chap.” Having critically reviewed every Watchtower study for several years now, I c