Beroean Pickets Reviewer

Identifying True Worship – Introduction



I started my online Bible research back in 2011 under the alias Meleti Vivlon.  I used the google translation tool available back then to find out how to say "Bible study" in Greek. At the time there was a transliterate link, which I used to get English characters. That gave me "vivlon meleti".  I thought that "meleti" sounded more like a given name and "vivlon", a surname, so I reversed them and the rest is history. Of course, the reason for the alias was that at the time I wanted to hide my identity because the Organization does not look kindly on those who do their own Bible research.  My goal back then was to find other like-minded brothers around the world who, like myself, were troubled by the obvious fabrication of the "overlapping generations" doctrine and who thus were motivated to do deeper Bible research.  At the time, I believed that the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses was the only true religion.  It wasn't until sometime in 2012-2013 that I finally resolved the growing cognitive dissonance I