Beroean Pickets Reviewer

Identifying True Worship, Part 6: 1914 – Empirical Evidence



A second look at 1914, this time examining the evidence the Organization claims is there to support the belief that Jesus began ruling in the heavens in 1914. Video Transcript Hello, my name is Eric Wilson. This is the second video in our subset of 1914 videos. In the first one, we looked at the chronology of it, and now we're looking at the empirical proof. In other words, it's all well and good to say that Jesus was installed as king in the heavens invisibly in 1914, sitting on throne of David, ruling in the Messianic Kingdom, but we have no proof of that unless, of course, we find proof directly in the Bible; but that's what we're going to look at in the next video. Right now, we want to see if there is evidence in the world, in the events that surrounded that year, that would lead us to believe that something invisible in the heavens happened. Now the organization says that there is such proof.  For example, in the June 1st 2003 Watchtower, on page 15, paragraph 12, we read