Beroean Pickets Reviewer

See the Difference in People



[From ws1/18 p. 27 – March 26-April 1]  “You will . . . see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person.” Malachi 3:18 The very title of this Watchtower study article is worrying once we begin to read its contents. Its thrust seems to cause us to separate ourselves from any contact with individuals deemed unworthy due to their traits. Indeed, why do we need to examine the difference in people? If we concentrate on improving our own Christian qualities, does it really matter how others are different?  Does it affect us? Please read Malachi 3 if you have time before continuing with this review, as it will help you better understand the context of the verses that are being used by this WT article, so that you can discern the true context of what the Bible is saying. Paragraph 2 opens with: “These last days are a time of moral chaos. The apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy describes the characteristics of people who are alienated from God, characteristics that will become more pronounced