Beroean Pickets Reviewer

“The Spirit Bears Witness…”



One of our forum members relates that in their memorial talk the speaker broke out that old chestnut, "If you are asking yourself if you should partake or not, it means you have not been chosen and so do not partake." This member came up with some excellent reasoning showing the flaw in this common statement often made by those trying to dissuade sincere Christians from obeying Jesus' instructions on partaking. (Note: While the premise for the above statement is flawed from the get-go, it can be helpful to accept an opponent's premise as valid, and then take it to its logical conclusion to see if it holds water.) Moses got a direct call from God. Nothing could be clearer.  He heard God's voice directly, recognized who was calling, and got the message of his appointment. But what was his reaction? He displayed doubt. He told God about his unqualified status, his impediment.  He asked God to send someone else. He asked for signs, which God gave him. When he brought up the issue of his speech defect, it seems G