Beroean Pickets Reviewer

Identifying True Worship, Part 12: Love Among Yourselves


Synopsis I’ve been looking forward to doing this final video in our series, Identifying True Worship. That’s because this is the only one that really matters. Let me explain what I mean.  Through the previous videos, it has been instructive to show how using the very criteria the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses uses to show all other religions are false also shows that the Witness religion is false.  They don’t measure up to their own criteria.  How did we not see that!?  As a Witness myself, for years I was busy picking the straw out of other people’s eye while being totally unaware of the rafter in my own eye. (Mt 7:3-5) However, there is a problem with using this criteria.  The problem is that the Bible doesn’t use any of it when giving us a way to identify true worship.  Now before you go, “Whoa, teaching truth isn’t important?!  Being no part of the world, not important?!  Sanctifying God’s name, preaching the good news, obeying Jesus—all not important?!” No, of course they are