Synergy Mindset Coaching

Mindset Monday with Terri Fry



Do you ever tire from hearing about how positive you should always be while juggling all that life demands each day? There is a time for positivity and reality that there are negative things that happen, we must acknowledge, feel and move through. That is what Terri, podcast host of Mom Like that, wife and working Mother has come to share. Today we deep dive into the life of a working Mom, mindset and how to be real in a world of pseudo-happiness. We learn about how to set a schedule at the beginning of the week, have grace when things go wrong and all about self-care. Terri is the Mom of a 3 and 5-year-old boy, wife and currently in the transition of a new career. She is a podcast host and has a passion to bring different motherhood perspectives together. Some key takeaways: How do you keep feeling that you are growing? You can ask yourself these questions. What did I achieve this week? Where did I fail this week? How can I improve upon? 2. How having self-care allows us to give back more to