Synergy Mindset Coaching

Ending the Overwhelm and Stress with Nicole Burgess



Nicole Burgess is a licensed psychotherapist, host of Soulfilled Sisterhood podcast, and introvert empowerment coach to high achieving and sensitive professional women. She helps highly sensitive women end the overwhelm and stressed out cycle, perfectionism and find balance in their life. They go from surviving to thriving in our busy world.  Nicole began her career in Corporate America as an accountant before she followed her true calling as a psychotherapist to empowerment coach. She helps other visionaries, non-conformists, and truth sayers reach their potential without burning out. We learn how to reframe your thoughts: Listen to mind chatter Write the thoughts down, you can become objective and figure out where it comes from, you can ask: What story am I telling myself? Where did this thought come from? (most of the things we tell ourselves comes from before the age of 9. You have to recognize it is there to be able to change it. Many women are shocked at how much they put themselves down and h