Soul University Radio

Riox Rheigh Frosher Shares Souldancing Stories



Soul (your host) asked Riox if she'd help answer a few common questions Soul hears all the time. What questions?   What's Souldancing all about?What's a Souldancing session like?What happens after a session. Soul met Riox through Joshua Kingsbury.  Joshua and Soul created and offered a service at SPACE's Farmers Market called Light Body Journeys.  This show explores the questions above as well as what Riox's outcomes from her Souldancing experience. Need help? Hire Soul! Call 312-268-0000 to schedule an appointment. In the meantime, click to visit Soul University  to access his library of personal, professional and spiritual support. Did you find this show useful? If so, please click this link to share a donation of any size. The more Soul receives, the more he's able to give.