Tradcatknight Radio

Mischa Popoff “Exposing The Fake Organic Industry”



Special guest Mischa Popoff joins me to discuss: organic farming origins, Can you trust the organic label? What is the certification process, government labeling of preppers and homesteaders, Soros socialist's involved? paying premium for FrankenFoods? backlash from the USDA, culture of death we live in, communist takeover of agriculture and MUCH more! Mischa Popoff is the author of the critically-acclaimed book, Is it Organic? He earned a B.A. from the University of Saskatchewan where he specialized in the history of nitrogen for fertilizer and warfare. He is a family man, business man, public speaker, consultant and author of numerous articles exposing the leadership of the organic movement. He is a Policy Advisor for The Heartland Institute and frequently delivers lectures in defense of modern, science-based food production. His expert testimony in cases where organic activists were attempting to shut down perfectly legitimate and vital industries has forced anti-science organic activists to rethink