Wilde About Wellbeing

Wednesday Wellness - I research, so you don't have to... An update on the latest groundbreaking mental health research!



So, I'm a research NERD. I do the research into the latest studies released about mental health, so that you don't have to.  Today, I'm talking CHOCOLATE - yes, really! I give you permission to eat more... And also RED WINE - less about encouraging you to drink it, but still... There's reassurance for if you feel like you're having EMOTIONAL side-effects from anti-depressant medication... Also, if you're a night owl, there's some interesting research that says you could become a LARK in just three weeks... I also offer a RANT on the back of a Cambridge/Chicago/Minnesota study into problematic smartphone usage about why we need BETTER addiction resources!!    Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Bristol Uni - bullying and depression University of Vienna - antidepressants and their effects on empathy Birmingham University, et al - changing ‘night owl’ behaviours Matthew Walker's 'Why We Sleep' Baylor College - link between depression and eating