Pricing Is Positioning

026: Positioning Your Personal Brand With Mike Kim



This week I’m excited to have Mike Kim on the show. If you don’t know Mike, you need to and I am so glad I get to introduce you to him.  He is a speaker and marketing personal branding expert. He chose to leave his corporate marketing director position behind to build his own business and brand and has worked with high-profile clients like John C. Maxwell and StoryBrand to name a few.  In this episode, we talked about his journey from working in the corporate world as a marketing director to running his own successful business. We also discussed branding yourself, pivoting, and sadistic selfies.  Finally, we talked about pricing, ad spend, and how to make sure you are priced right to justify your ad spend costs.  You are going to get a ton of value from this episode. In fact, be sure to listen through to the end because that is when Mike unloads some nuggets that he hasn't talked about ever before. Let’s jump into this week’s episode with my special guest, Mike Kim.  In this episode, you’ll hear: How Mike ma