Grace For Today With Shayne Holesgrove

You are not a modern-day Job and you probably don't have a thorn in your flesh!



...You may feel like your suffering is “your cross to bear” - but that’s simply not true. Jesus suffered on the cross for you so that you would not have to suffer. You may feel like “it’s your thorn in your flesh” and that God is trying to teach you something, but that simply isn’t true either. God wants to use His Word to teach you and perfect you (2 Timothy 3:16-17) not hard knocks. Paul’s thorn (suffering) wasn’t sickness but persecution (we’re redeemed from sickness, but not from persecution [2 Timothy 3:12]). You may feel like a modern-day Job, who is experiencing extreme suffering and losing everything because God allows it – but that is not the case!... READ MORE