Estate Planning Weekly

Choosing Guardians For Your Children When You Don't Agree | Estate Planning Weekly 013



In an ideal world we would always agree with our spouse...that is not the world that we live in. When it comes to the very important decision of choosing guardians for your children - you are not alone if you and your spouse don't agree. I don't have a magic formula for making the correct decision, but here are three strategies that should make the decision easier. Separate The Roles Instead of thinking that you are naming a guardian that will handle everything, think of it as naming people to two positions. The first is the role of physical custodian. These are the people that your children will live with, learn from, and love. Here you need to think about who shares your values and is capable of instilling them in your children. The second role is the financial role. These people will manage the money and assets you leave for your children. While it's important that they have your children's best interest at heart, they are not the people that will raise your children. Don't Only Think Of Couples My clients