An Enduring Alliance - Celebrating 70 Years Of Nato

Episode 6: Military Exercises



Episode 6. Military Exercises in the Cold War and Beyond   NATO’s mission has changed over time, from a strong deterrent role during the Cold War to a more diverse mission-set in the post-Cold War era. This included peace keeping, human rights protection and disaster relief. In this episode we discuss how military exercises changed over time by bringing together NATO planners and members of the various armed forces to discuss these changes. SHAPE Website:  HOSTS: Dr. Stella Adorf, Master Sergeant Alex Burnett, Dr. Linda Risso GUESTS: Colonel Adam Edmunds, Ilay Ferrier, Brigadier General Franz Pfrengle, Diego Ruiz Palmer.   Sources: NATO Declassified: The Cold War   VIDEO: Exercise Indian Summer (22-26 September 1954)   Beatrice Heuser, Tormod Heier and Guillame Lasconjarias (eds), Military Exercises: Political Messaging and Strategic Impact, NDC Forum Paper 26, NATO Defence College, 2018.