A Place For Humans W/ Dakota Wint

Mexican Shaman Explains My DMT Trip Serpent Visions



I'm in Mexico and last night I spent all day with one of the most profound people i've ever met, Artemio Solis Guzman - who is a medicine man living in the mountains. He explained to me why the serpent is such a prevalent vision in the psychedelic and meditation spaces, which I have personally had more than once - on both DMT and Mushrooms. His knowledge of psychedelics, sacred geometry and the philosophies of the different MesoAmerican people like the Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs. The actual video of him explaining it will be out in a month or so FOLLOW ME -http://www.instagram.com/dakotawinthttp://www.twitter.com/dakotawint Notable Links_____________ Get the podcast a day early!http://www.patreon.com/dakotawintShout out to Brandon Moore, David Walden-Berg, Mallory Knox Buy a t-shirt from Stay Happy Stay Weird!http://www.stayhappystayweird.com Teotihuacan facts!http://justfunfacts.com/interesting-facts-about-teotihuacan/ Aleister Crowley Spirit Guide from Peyotehttp://www.academia.edu/13121964/Aleister_Crowleys