Lean Into Curiosity

011: Get Out of Your Own Way with Jeri Hartley



Jeri Hartley, owner of Tone Sculpt Yoga, was a Pediatric Nurse, turned yoga teacher, turned mom, turned entrepreneur.  In this very first interview episode I sat down with Jeri to pick her brain about what’s worked and what hasn’t.  We chat about challenges she faced and how she overcame them. Jeri transparently shares her transition to motherhood while creating a business and still finding time to work on herself.  Now her goal is to empower women to feel strong and confident.  She makes no excuses and her son has become her motivating factor in taking herself and her business to next levels.  TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Recognize what part(s) of your business will have you stuck and outsource it The hardest part is starting, but then you will begin to gain confidence as you take steps and get feedback. Get super clear on your audience and what they need, not what you think they need. Hire a business coach that is successful in the area you’re trying to be successful in. You have to exercise your mind ever