Cinematic Sound Radio

The Flag Ship Show: Hidden Soundtrack Gems



“I’m back in the saddle again” – Aerosmith It’s been seven months since I last prepared an episode of CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO. I apologize for those that were interested in hearing the rest of my favourite scores of 2018. I’ll most likely just publish a quick blog post with the rest of my list for those that are interested. The reasons for my absence has been well documented on social media (everything ranging from depression to anxiety to work to just basically burning out). Yes, I almost quit completely but the outpouring of support showed me that you deserved better and that I should keep this show going. First of all, I just want to thank Jason Drury, Brandon Shea-Mutala, Eric Silver, Robert Daniels, and Randy Andrews for keeping the content fresh during my absence. This isn’t the first time they’ve saved my bacon and it probably won’t be the last. Without them, this show, this site would be dead. By the way, I just published a new hosts and talents bio page. We’ve never had one so take a peek and