Journey To $100 Million

Utilizing G Suite for Your Business



You know what’s frustrating? When you have something that you need to get done in a timely manner and you’re blocked by a third party system that you have to mess with before you can even get to work. Today, Erik talks about how Array Digital has adopted G Suite and although there are a lot of systems offered out there, he finds that this one works best for his team. With so many systems out there, it can be tempting to take time to weigh the pros and cons and assess all the different offerings when in actuality, they offer very similar things, so you should really just choose one. One of the pros of Google is that it doesn’t take long to set it up and in order to add someone, you don’t have to jump through hoops, it’s all very simple and user-friendly. With G Suite, you get access to Drive, Calendar, Email, Hangouts, and quite a few other applications. If you’re in start-up phase or moving towards that point, Erik highly recommends G Suite because it’s easy to set something up for a team. And by the way, i