Journey To $100 Million

Focusing on Problems to Achieve More Wins



This podcast references times where there have been problems, either current or in the past. In episode 228 of Journey to $100 Million, listen in as Erik explains why he focuses on problems that have affected our company and how we have recently been winning - a lot! Erik focuses on these problems because he views them as opportunities to improve. If you can learn from your mistakes, you can incrementally get better until you start winning - something that has recently been happening with us! We have experienced a lot of wins within our KPI dashboard, leads, and contracts. This glimpse of winning makes all the issues we face and hard work we put in that much more worth it. That winning feeling is something that we strive for each day here at Array Digital. Erik does not find joy in continuously pointing out aspects of our company that need improvement, however, he knows it will lead us to more wins on a regular basis and position us for success in the long run. To emphasize the importance of winning to our