Ten Questions Esl Podcast

LnR 048 Throw under the bus (Replay - Casual English)



LnR 048 Throw under the bus (Replay) My Chinese friend Lina and her son left yesterday. I hope you have listened to her interview. I'll post her son's interview next Wednesday. ===== Two friends are talking on the phone: A: Hi, Monica, this is Joanna. B: Oh, hey, Joanna! What's up? A: Nothing much. I haven't talked to you for a while, so I thought I'd give you a call. B: Yeah, I've been busy with a project at work. Our team had four weeks to renovate ten rooms for a law firm downtown.  A: Four weeks? B: Right. The first three weeks were for designing the rooms and choosing the materials. We had meetings with a representative of the law firm twice a week to make sure we were on track.  A: Then only one week to do the renovations? Is that enough time? B: Yes, because we hire contractors to do most of the work, like painting the walls and putting in new carpeting. Some of the rooms got new office furniture, so we also had to hire movers.  A: So, did you meet the deadline? B: No! We forgot to order the curtains!