Ten Questions Esl Podcast

Fresh Off The Boat S 1 E 2



You can contact me at Nancy@MissBuswell.com to tell me if you want the vocabulary part to be shorter, or if you have any other comments about my podcasts. Fresh Off The Boat S 1 E 2 Dialog Mr. Huang: Jessica, what brings you to Cattleman’s Ranch? Mrs. Huang: I realized, why not have the boys do CLC here. That way I can also help you at the restaurant. Unless you don’t want me here. Mr. Huang: Oh, no, of course I want you here. Mrs. Huang: Good! Boys! CLC. This booth. If Mitch steals two croutons per hour, and a three-pound box costs five dollars, how many days until we are on the street? Evan: How many croutons per box? What are we paying for rent? How can I solve for X when I don’t know Z? Eddie: Nerd! Evan: Student: Eddie Huang. Infraction: Slander. Emory: He’s tough, but he’s fair. Mrs. Huang: Nancy! What did I tell you about extra napkins? Also, why are we out of tea bags? Mr. Huang: I don’t want you here! Mrs. Huang: I knew it! As soon as you expressed emotions with words . . . . Mr. Huang: Why do you mi