Ten Questions Esl Podcast

LnR 062 Give me = gimme (Replay)



Here's a replay from 2 1/2 years ago! Right now I'm visiting my mother and her three cats. I had surgery three weeks ago and am having a slow recovery. I have to rest a lot. I'm supposed to return to China in two weeks for the beginning of the school term, but I'll have to arrive two weeks late, due to the slow recovery from surgery. I hope that all of you are well! I'll be fine, too . . . soon. LnR 062 Give me = gimme Never write "gimme" when you are writing for your English teacher or your job. I'm using this spelling below to show you how we pronounce it. 1. Can you gimme some advice? 2. Hey, gimme that! I'm not gonna give you that. 3. Please, gimme a chance! I won't do it again. 4. Can you gimme the money tomorrow? Can you give it to me tomorrow? 5. I'm almost ready. Just gimme three more minutes. 6. Oh, gimme a break! Give me a break! 7. Do you want some cookies? Yea, I'll take two. No, wait, gimme three. I love chocolate chip cookies. 8. My children always want something. All I hear is "Gimme, gimme, gi