Ten Questions Esl Podcast

LnR 074 Long Time No See (Replay)



LnR 074 Long Time No See (Replay) NOTE: This podcast episode is from October 2016! I say that I have just spent the summer in the US with my mother and her two cats (now she has three cats) and am now in China again. I am writing this in April 2019 and am not in China, but still in the US recovering from surgery. I am almost recovered, but it's probably too late for me to go back to China to teach this term, so I most likely will stay here with my mother and her three cats until August. ---- Lnr 074 Long Time, No See! I'm going to write the sentences the way that I pronounce them. Remember, never write the words this way for your teacher or in an email to your foreign customer, client or boss! For example, never write "gonna"; always write "going to". But when you speak, you can say "gonna". 1. I'm gonna go home now. 2. She's gotta go tuh the store. 3. They wanna see the movie tonight. 4. I like tuh watch football un basketball. 5. We need tuh have a meeting at 9:30. 6. Please buy some bread un milk. 7. My br