Outplayd: An Apex Legends Podcast




First in a new series!  "I don't know, you tell me!"  Flave, Lursen, and Errik lay out the principles of ambushes. Does it work? No, literally, tell us if this stuff works.  Source material, other than our brains:» http://sites.psu.edu/cxd5132/wp-content/uploads/sites/25797/2015/04/Instruction-Set.pdf» https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/90-8/Appc.htm Like what you hear? Want to support us? Want to join our Discord? Buy some merch? Check us out at: » www.outplayd.com  Like the music you hear? Let creator FuGLY88 know at @madlibbs7 Keep improving!