Everyone Has A Sports Podcast

Episode 20: Kamala Harris (We Don't Want Her)



We have made it to episode 20 (!) of Everyone Has A Sports Podcast. Moose wrote an article about fantasy football steals at => https://www.stoveleg.com/single-post/2019/08/07/Fantasy-Football-Is-BACK so be sure to check that out. Moose breaks down some new, and controversial, NCAA compliance guidelines for agents. Ben takes a nap while Nate and Moose discuss the current state of baseball, but comes back strong to join the conversation about our fantasy football league. Ben then makes a unintentional political comment. The chimichanga eating competition will be hosted on August 22nd on EHASP, so be sure to mark your calendars for the first ever El Monterey (not actually affiliated) 400! The guys wrap up the show with a lot of wrestling talk, especially the Summer Slam, Ricochet, and some wrestler named Otis. Tune in and enjoy!