Everyone Has A Sports Podcast

Episode 21: Only In The Storybooks



One week til the big race! Moose begins with belittling the Bible. Ben and Moose kick the sports part of the show off with their takes on Summer Slam. Nate and Ben went golfing last weekend and didn't play too poorly! Somehow, Rachel has turned into more of a degenerate gambler than Ben (yeah right). The guys talk a lot about gambling, and swap some casino stories. There was an awful tragedy at a Mexican food eating contest (not ours) just last week. Ben and Moose discuss starting a union at Stove Leg, and somehow end up calling NATE the socialist (?) Then the guys start talking about their fantasy football rules and teams, and Ben bought a bootlegged video game from China! Just another day in the life of the boys of EHASP! Leave that 5 star review!