Journey To $100 Million

The Story Behind Kevin’s First Business Venture



In episode 201 of Journey to $100 Million, Kevin dives into the experiences of starting his first business. Kevin was only 23 when he founded this company. He had no money saved, no capital investments, no loans - nothing at all to start-up his website design company. For Kevin, this experience was very challenging and scary, and he speaks on how if it was not for his wife, he probably could not have made this happen. When he first started this company, all he had was an apartment on a street by the beach with a couple of roommates. He set up a computer with basic software and started building websites. In doing this, he formulated a concept, created his own website, and started to market himself as the website guy. At that time he still had the stability of his day job and there wasn't a lot of risk at that point, until a year later when he quit his job and dropped everything to dedicate all his time to his business. Stay tuned into future episodes to learn more about this experience: how he was able to f