Journey To $100 Million

The Consequences Behind a Lack of Communication



Recently, we had to suspend a client due to nonpayment. In episode 202 of Journey to $100 Million, Erik explains this painful situation that left the Array Digital team perplexed. This was a priority 1 client, meaning that they were top tier. Erik recently had a long face-to-face meeting, as he does every quarter, with this client and felt that he and the owner really connected. Three weeks after this meeting and this client had not paid their invoice. They were 35 days late and the next invoice had already come around. Erik called both of the owners multiple times, left voicemails, sent emails, and even left messages to the administrative assistant that she said she had been passing along. Erik never heard back - not a word. So he ended up suspending the client’s services. One week later after the suspension, the client ended up paying the bill and their services were turned back on, but this situation left Erik on edge. He felt the lack of communication was peculiar, especially when we’d been forced to s