Journey To $100 Million

Knowing When to Stick to Your Guns



Today on Journey to $100 Million, listen in as Kevin talks about a situation that comes up every now and then at Array Digital, and has always gotten us in trouble depending on which way we go. At Array Digital, we consider ourselves digital marketing experts. We spend a lot of time coming up with strategies for each client as we prepare to onboard them. But, every now and then, a client will insist on their own strategy that they have developed in-house. Typically, the problem with this is that these strategies our clients come up with on their own, are not strategies we recommend. Our strategy is comprised of in-depth research, and is reviewed very thoroughly with our team members. If we have already prepared our strategy, and have a clear reason why we do not feel like the client's strategy is going to work, we need to say something. We can either implement the strategy this client has come up with, and give them a transparent warning on how we feel about the strategy. Or, on the other hand, we can stick