Journey To $100 Million

The Key to Establishing Clarity Through Email Communication



Have you ever gotten an email from a client and you’re not exactly sure what they are trying to say or asking for? On episode 155 of Journey to $100 Million, listen in as Erik shares how he responds to these types of emails, and how these tactics can save you a great amount of time. This happens to us a decent amount at Array Digital where a client (or really anybody) will ask us a question, but in a vague way. When this happens, it is easy to be unsure about what is being asked of you, and more importantly, you do not know what answer this individual is looking for. Erik used to try to decipher these emails, and then would answer the question he thought was being asked. If he could not figure out what the specific question was, he would reply with answers to more than one question that they could have meant to ask. Erik used to try to anticipate or interpret what these individuals were asking. What Erik found was, a majority of the time he tried to do this, he was incorrect in his interpretation. The questi