Journey To $100 Million

Defining Who Your Top Clients Are



Recently, we have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out who our “best” clients are. In episode 166 of Journey to $100 Million, listen in as Erik explains how and why we are categorizing our clients here at Array Digital. Believe it or not, Erik had been in business for 9 years, with Array Digital the past 2 years, and still did not know who our top clients were. Erik had an idea about who the top 1 or 2 clients were based on revenue. But, after the top 2, he really did not know. Erik decided he had to work out a process for figuring this out. He went to Katya (who runs our books) and got a list of all our clients, and the amount of revenue they pay us on a monthly basis. After we sorted that, Erik had a rough understanding of who was at the top of the list. Even though Erik now had this list of our top clients, he did not have any way to demark between our different types of clients. So, Erik looked at the data and saw a couple of patterns. Erik realized that some clients were spending a lot with