Journey To $100 Million

The Need for Contracts with Any Business Activity



As Erik continues to do more speaking engagements, he realized the need for some sort of contract for these extra business ventures. In episode 188, listen in as Erik explains the contractual process he has created for these engagements, and his reasoning behind it. Erik felt the need for a speaking engagement contract because he wanted to set expectations for the customers he plans on speaking for. Erik wants zero ambiguity between him and the customer, and aims to make it clear what the customer will receive from him. Within this contract, Erik lists out all the different things the customer should expect from Erik based on the conversations he has had with them. Things like how Erik will promote, when he is going to arrive, and the talk he plans to give are included in this contract. Erik’s goal is to handle these speaking engagements the same as any business transaction. This contract is about one or two pages, has a signature block, and that's about it. Erik wants to keep these contracts simple for no