Oil And Gas Contractor's Connect

Episode 19 || Paul Cones, Courthouse Direct



This week, we talked with Paul Cones, founder of CourthouseDirect.com. Paul talks to us about how his company improves the lot of the ordinary landman by making title and right-of-way research much, much easier.Connect with Paul on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/courthousesquare/ CourthouseDirect.com - https://www.courthousedirect.com/ CourthouseAcademy YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSjnJxzNXrcbHZhLOaxNnPw CourthouseDirect.com on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/courthousedirect/ CourthouseDirect.com on Twitter - https://twitter.com/CHDirect Connect with Ryan on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanraysr/Visit R-Squared Global's Website - https://www.gor2.com/Interested in coming on the show? We'd love to have you! Get in touch with Nate at nate.hansen@gor2.com for an interview.