Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

He's Responsible For 0.5% of All Crypto Exchange Volume ($1 Billion Per Month) w/ Ed Tolson from kbit - Part 1 (Ep. 0049)



Welcome to this two-part deep dive on high-frequency cryptoasset trading. Our guest is Ed Tolson, founder of kbit. Kbit is a high-frequency trading firm that's responsible for about 0.5% of daily total crypto exchange volume. For example, in May of 2019, kbit did just shy of $1 billion of total volume. This two-part deep dive is broken up into five chapters: - Chapter One: What high-frequency trading is- Chapter Two: What high-frequency traders actually do as well as the categories of high-frequency trading that exist in cryptoland- Chapter Three: Data, fake volume, and toxic activity on exchanges- Chapter Four: How kbit operates- Chapter Five: What the future of high-frequency trading might look like In this episode, we cover chapters one and two. We discuss: Ed’s background in crypto and finance The role that artificial intelligence plays in high-frequency trading What Ed was doing before founding kbit The definition of high-frequency trading Who kbi