Pinkerton Insights Podcast

Pinkerton Insights Podcast | Week of July 8, 2019



Last week in China it was reported that the Chinese border police are secretly installing surveillance apps on the phones of visitors crossing from Kyrgyzstan to the western Xinjiang region.  In the U.S., a bipartisan pair of Senators have offered a bill that would require companies that collect and use consumers’ user data to quantify the commercial value in reporting both to regulators and the consumers affected.  Last week, IT firm Attunity confirmed it exposed some of its clients’ information by hosting it on an unsecured server.  In Brazil, a group of reporters published an investigation last week on the prevalence of salmonella in the Brazilian chicken industry.  Japan recently announced it would impose restrictions on exports of high-tech materials to South Korea.  The Nikkei Asian Review reported that prestigious technology companies are considering relocating part of their production from China to avoid paying higher tariffs and economic uncertainty due to the trade war between the U.S. and China.