Journey To Ultra

Daniel Goddard: The bet that changed his life!



Daniel Goddard wasn't always a crazy ultra runner.  In fact, he wasn't really active at all. After spending his 20's overworked, poorly nourished, and abusing drugs and alcohol, Daniel made a bet with himself that would change his life forever. Tune in to find out how he went from a hardcore partier and fast food eater to a vegan ultra runner and 100 mile finisher!  When Daniel isn't trail running or listening to rad music, you can find him sharing his expertise on all things running at the local North Vancouver specialty store Distance Runwear.  Don't forget to subscribe! If you want to support the show, the best way you can do this is by leaving a rating and review on your podcast listening platform (iTunes, Spotify etc).  Follow us on IG @journeytoultrapodcast If you have any feedback or guest ideas email
