Tenacious Living Network

Obstacles Equal Opportunities | With Heather Andrews | Life By Numbers | Kristen Dawson



Kristen Dawson, confidence coach, and best-selling author joins Heather Andrews to talk about weight loss, awareness, confidence, and mental health as it relates to those issues. She explores how confidence and weight loss are associated, and how after losing the weight you can exude your confidence without coming across as arrogant. Get to Know Kristen Dawson… Kristen Dawson is a Motivational Speaker, Coach and Best-Selling Author who is currently on tour with Tony Robbins and Rachel Hollis. Built on the foundation of losing over 120 pounds and effectively managing depression, Kristen focuses on helping women create core confidence through hosting Transformation Weekend workshops, one-on-one coaching and her program, The Confident Way – 7 steps to Core Confidence. Reach out to Kristen… Business: Kristen Dawson EQ Website: https://www.kristendawson.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theconfidencecoachwithkristen The post Obstacles Equal Opportunities | With Heather Andrews| Life By Numbers|Kristen Dawson