Dharma Drops: Yoga, Life, Whatever

Yoga for Young Ladies with Jane Chapman-Holt



Yoga for teen girls? Had someone introduced me to yoga as a teenager, I would have saved thousands of dollars in therapy! Luckily, today's young women have yoga teacher Jane Chapman-Holt. In this episode, I'm chuffed to talk with Jane about her program Yoga for Young Ladies--a series for teen girls that teaches how to use yoga to manage the stresses of school, social life, and adolescence. Of course, we talk about many other things: British/American English; Crazy Sexy Diet; swimming; The OA; books; foot fetishes; and rattlesnakes. You know, normal stuff.  To learn more about Jane's Yoga for Young Ladies program, you can find her at: Website: janechapmanholtyoga.com Instagram: @janechapmanholt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jane.chapmanholt To register for or be inspired by Jane's Young for Young Ladies series, visit: longwaveyoga.com As usual, I can't think of the name of a book or author. To follow-up, the diet book we are referencing is Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr.