Speaking Of Crypto

058. The Case for Stablecoins and Crypto Asset Management with Alon Muroch from Blox



Alon Muroch, CEO at Blox, shares with me the fact that one great thing about crypto is that there is no barrier to entry. Anyone with a computer can start using it. This, he explains is opposite to the traditional financial world where the cost or barrier to entry keeps rising. We have a thought-provoking conversation around stablecoins, crypto assets and security tokens. In comparing Bitcoin to Ethereum, he notes advantages and disadvantages of each. Bitcoin is more decentralized and not dependent on a CEO or founder. Whereas, Ethereum is the leading smart contract platform and the public identifies the project with Vitalik Buterin who is seen as a “driving force behind the scenes” and we’re still used to identifying projects with their founder. Would we have seen Apple in the same with without learning about Steve Jobs? What about Amazon without Jeff Bezos or Tesla without Elon Musk? When we get into the idea of stablecoins, Alon has some very strong opinions.  “I think that stablecoins are probably the big