Goal Traveler's The Just Go Network

Ep. 28 The Exploration To Self Love | Ft. Adrienne Sholzberg



Today on episode 28 we will be speaking to Adrienne Sholzberg.   Adrienne is an educator, entrepreneur, and eternal explorer. She is dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs fill their lives with JOY by allowing them the opportunity to unapologetically fall madly in love with themselves and their businesses. Why? To finally FEEL Joy. The highest level of happiness, the highest vibration, the best way to attract, create and succeed in bringing in even more joy, love, and success to your life. She applied her academic background to research and develop a 7 step program that helps bring on the love in the fastest and most sustainable way possible. WE COVER: Exploring self-love. Forgetting what you learned to move forward. How adventure & travel helps rediscover yourself. How discussing taboo topics with compassion can open up a more beautiful connection between humans around the world   GUEST INFO Website Facebook Instagram GET MORE OF GOAL TRAVELER: SIGN UP- GOAL CHALLENGE JOIN FACEBOOK COMMUNITY