Goal Traveler's The Just Go Network

Ep. 44 The Biggest Misconceptions About Travel | 2018 Round Up



Today on episode 44 we will be breaking down the biggest misconceptions about travel as we tally all of 2018’s episodes and find the commonalities in our guest's answers revolving around danger, cost, planning, social media, and spirituality. stick around till the end as we share the news that has us going on our biggest adventure to date. the kind that will shape our lives and this brand.   WHAT YOU WILL GAIN FROM LISTENING TO THIS PODCAST No more excuses holding you back- We all want more adventure in our lives but many of these fears you have used as a reason not to Understanding the reality of it all. We call it the Instagram effect. Don’t get discouraged when on social media. Travel and adventure does not always appear as it seems. Inspiration by us being a living example .  Dropping the biggest the news we have ever shared publicly. The type of news that changes our lives forever and is a true example of what it takes to Get Out And Live!   GET MORE OF GOAL TRAVELER: FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM JOIN