Gears And Beers: The Unashamedly Unprofessional Automotive Podcast

Now We're Getting Personal



Alright, we're back on-form this week for episode 93! This week we're post all-you-can-eat-meat platter from the Bav, beered-up, and back on-form! This week we're joined once again by Ben of the Pencil's Ballercast, and we talk a bit of shit before breaking into this week's news! Joseph kicks us off with Uber introducing a 7-year age cap on vehicles used to Uber, then Mitch talks about the NRMA wanting the Australian Government to ban the sale of all internal combustion engines by the year 2030, which we think is complete bollocks, but it does start a healthy discussion about renewable energy personal transportation. Then Mitch breaks into a deeply passionate rant about windscreen wipers, and how bad drivers get even worse in bad weather. Then we get onto our poll from last week, between whether the Mazda RX8 is cool, or is not cool. By a nose, you our audience, think the RX8 is cool by a nose! Then we talk about which is better, the Mitsubishi Delica or the Toyota Tarago, which develops into a complete argum